Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Confession

One of my goals of having this blog is to be honest on my feelings no matter what they are. I realize that this can be accessed by many people, but I want this to be a genuine representation of my life. Having said this, I have something rather shocking to confess....


*giggling* I can't even describe the gitty feeling of excitment I have for next month. I am so happy to be almost out of the awful work situation I'm in, I am so happy to have my horse at a place like Birchbury, and I am SO excited to have a new coach!! Yay!!! I get excited and happy and gitty just thinking about it. I feel the way I did when I was little and it was Christmas, or my birthday, or the day before a vacation. Unbridled (no pun intended) excitement!!!

The other day my soon to be ex-coach asked me if I wanted to go to a schooling show on August 3rd. Well, I had already decided that I wasn't going to go because I will have just moved Grady to Birchbury and I don't need to have a show to think about for that same weekend. But it was the WAY she asked me. Something like this: "Are you going to the show on the 3rd or are you only going to Class A shows now?" Sarcastic emphasis on the "are you only going to Class A shows now." I assume that emphasis means that I must be a big pompous snot who thinks I'm too good for schooling shows. She doesn't know that I'm moving him to Birchbury. When I confided this information to my coach's best friend, she said "I wouldn't even tell her. Just cancel your lesson and never show up again!" (Yes, her best friend said this... We all are dealing with some issues) I don't want to do this because I love alot of people at the barn and am not interested in breaking my connection with the barn. It would be utterly unreasonable for my coach to get angry at me for switching barns, but she isn't always the most reasonable person. I figure I can take anything she throws my way, but I really have no interest in breaking bonds with the barn. Anyways, when my coach asked me if I was going to go I just said that I wasn't because I would have just moved Grady (didn't say where, she assumes to my home) and that I don't want to deal with a show that weekend too. So she asked me if I could do chores for them so THEY could go. Keep in mind that I said I was quitting at the END OF JULY.

*ahem* So another confession... I took great delight in saying "NO!!!" I have a Pony Club meeting that day and I want to go. And that's that. She got angry and said some things to me, but for the first time EVER I didn't care!! Afterwards I felt like leaping and whooping and hollering for joy.

I would not wish this situation on ANYone. It has taught me alot about life, but God forbid anyone have to go through the hell I've gone through.

*he he he* *ha ha ha* I feel gitty and excited right now!!!

1 comment:

20 meter circle of life said...

oh I think you are happy!!! am excited to hear about your new barn