Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sailing On

I am happy to announce that I am a recipient of a blog award!! More info on this soon...

Well, today was my last day working at the barn. I am happy to be done and I think life will be alot less stressful now. I am kind of sad that I wont be seeing the horses over there much anymore... Being a horse person, I enjoy all the horses over there. They were certainly not the cause of any of my problems. Now we'll see what life has in store for me...

Grady was turned out in the pasture this morning. He is doing well and made instant friends with Toadspit. If you click on the blog link about XC you will see pictures of Toad. He is Tess's horse. They were standing together with their muzzles touching and getting along just fine. The horses get grain twice a day in a barn that has about 20 tie stalls. The barn is wide open and the horses can go in whenever they want. There is also a very extended roof to make a large loafing area, as well as another loafing shed a distance away. Plenty of shelter for everyone! Grady was having a hard time figuring out the grain routine this morning and was scared to walk into one of the tie stalls. I'm sure he'll figure it out in a day or two!

Sail on silver girl
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way
See how they shine...

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